
How to get a VAT refund from other EU countries?


If you purchase goods or services in EU countries as a part of your economic activities, it is possible to get a VAT refund if you meet the given conditions. Many Czech VAT payers charge this VAT directly to their costs. Nevertheless, the situation can be solved in a much more economical way.

If the given conditions are met, it is possible to apply for a VAT refund from other EU member states via the electronic portal of the Czech Tax Administration until the end of September. In order to submit a claim, it is necessary to have the access to this electronic application established. The territorially relevant Czech tax administrator has a frame of 15 days to grant this access. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for the access in time, in order a situation does not arise where the payer receives access data only after September 30, when, of course, his right to a tax refund has expired.

The specialized department of the KODAP office in Liberec can process the request on your behalf. Based on the granted power of attorney, our advisers will process and file the application. They also process all communication with foreign authorities.

We recommend you to pass on the information about the possibility of a VAT refund to your foreign business partners and to companies in your group, too. These entities have the option to file a claim for a refund of Czech VAT concerning supplies and performance of 2023 by September 30, 2024 as well.