
Accounting Audit

The auditor verifies whether the data in the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position, economic results and financial flows, in accordance with laws and directives.

The audit of financial statements is carried out compulsorily by law, or it can be carried out voluntarily on any other occasion.


Statutory audit

For a number of business entities, the statutory audit is required by law:

At the annual closing, depending on the form of business, the amount of turnover or net business assets,

In other cases:

  • in the event of a change in organizational form, fusion or merger
  • in the case of changes in the amount and structure of the registered capital

Optional audit

It can be performed on any occasion, it can serve primarily:

  • To verify the financial statements and level of economic activity for owners and managers
  • When deciding whether to buy or sell a company
  • To strengthen the credibility of the company
  • And it is widely required by banks before granting a loan.

Performing an audit of financial statements can also bring benefits. Even smaller business entities can use this service with three kinds of effects:

  • To strengthen the company’s external credibility
  • To increase the certainty of one’s own decision-making processes
  • To show the way to correct existing error

Our clients appreciate the fact that we consider our standard to be not only an interpretation of the financial statements through an auditor’s opinion, but also helpful professional advice and assistance.



Consultations and advisory throughout the year are ideal for the smooth running of the audit, both in the area of accounting and in the preparation of financial statements and reports.

We provide audits of financial statements primarily for:

  • Business entities
  • Individual projects for grant and subsidy purposes
  • Projects of state and public aid

What do the auditor’s services include?

  • Carrying out a statutory audit
  • Economy performance review according to another legal regulation
  • Audit and review of accounting records
  • Audit and review of other economic and financial information or performance of other activities, if this is stipulated by another legal regulation or a directly applicable EU legislation

The executive head of the auditing office is Ms. Dagmar Melicharová, auditor and tax adviser.



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