Online Accounting
Fast data entry and their processing are a necessity for managing a company. You do not need your own accountant, you will always know the time of day with our modern technological solution.
- All operations take place online.
- Everything is processed by our skilled accountants, including data confirmation / verification
- Your results are available to you shortly after the documents have been processed
- You can manage your entire financial agenda directly from the DataFlow system
- We will ensure data protection and archiving
Your team will scan or photograph the documents and store them directly in the KODAP DataFlow system. Our qualified accountants will implement and book the data obtained in this way, or even the automatically “extracted” data.
Financial savings
- A routine data entry worker (instead of an experienced accountant)
- Within DataFlow, SW modules of economic and ERP systems are available, as well as a database of accounting documents in DMS cloud solutions, so you need not buy them.
Time savings
- No need to carry the documents anywhere or send them by post
- The documents enter the system only once, there are no duplications
Possibility of financial management
- Easy work with digitized accounting documents
- Absolute view of your financial situation 24/7
- Basic reporting within P.E.S. (Portal of Economic Service) free of charge
- Custom reports for managing your business
Safety and independence
- DataFlow will ensure data protection and archiving
- The data archive is independent of us, your documents in DMS cloud solutions are yours and will remain yours at all times
- Your secure access to our server is guaranteed
- Permanent access to your data and documents. A data archive that is clear, sortable, and you can also use it for your internal workflow or perhaps also to pay invoices. The archive is not dependent on our company, our client’s documents are not held hostage. When you decide to do accounting in a different way, it remains available to you.
- The possibility to work with your receivables and liabilities, and in short periods
- The possibility to monitor the development of your financial results, incl. their structure and indicators
- Free basic reporting – KODAP P.E.S. – and the possibility to develop creative reporting according to your ideas
- The possibility to create your own reports that you need when managing your company
- The possibility to obtain the necessary software modules of economic and ERP systems on favorable terms
- Consistent data protection and long-term archiving
For online accounting services, you can contact following offices: